Sunday, December 17, 2023

Week in Review...

On Tuesday night Ashlyn had a bandquet-where they gave out awards and had a slide show...

The slideshow forgot to put Ashlyn's baby and senior pic in it though, she was pretty bummed!
So the next day she saw this in the band room, they had printed out the pics and framed them! So sweet!

Ashlyn went on a hike yesterday with her friends...

And there was a Christmas tree on top...

Abby wanted an inflatable so I bought this cute gnome!

On Monday night we had caroling at our neighbors house, we have been doing this for years together. It's so fun!

On Wednesday we had a staff party and I wore this shirt, everyone got a kick out of it...

Abby had a presentation on Friday and it was really cute. They sang a song about opinion writing and then they presented their opinion pieces to their parents. They had their essays typed up on the wall and a slideshow on their desk outlining the main parts. Most kids chose to write about how we should help the homeless, get a pet or clean up litter. Abby chose to write about how more people should go to church. She got lots of attention from parents, because this wasn't a normal topic that 4th graders would be writing about. She's my brave girl. 

This is her special ed teacher Ms. Cooper and Abby just loves her!

She did a great job!
We got to go pick up some See's from the mall! So yummy!!
I went to a wedding reception and when we were waiting in line I saw a lady who looked really familiar to me. When I was through the line she came up to me and said, why do you look so familiar to me? We made the connection that we were in the same BYU married student ward when we were both first married. We both had our first babies within 2 months of each other and we used to sit in the pew right behind them. I met their oldest daughter who I got to tell stories of how she would toddle all around us and how excited her parents were when she learned to kiss them on the cheek. We talked about all of the friends that we had had in that ward and she remember Kelli and Jared as well. She said they ended up moving to Colorado and it was their nephew that was marrying our friends daughter. Such a small world. It was fun to catch up and reminisce. Her name is Shaneen and she married Shane. 
My sister Sarah was so brave and took a clogging class, and her recital was last night and we got to watch. She did incredible and was so fun to watch! Way to go Sarah!

My nephew Trevor returned home from his mission in Iceland, it was so fun to see him come home live on Instagram! He's had such a great mission, and I'll miss his letters!

Meanwhile haley's been in Missouri for a wedding and they went to a huge Bass Pro Shops...
Trevor was released last night, what a special blessing he has been to our family!


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