On my last day off which was Monday it was raining and cold so I took the kids to Fat Cats and they had lots of fun playing the arcade games for a few hours. Abby loved playing the racing games!
Since I didn't get to go see my parents, I needed to distract myself from feeling down so of course I got started on a project! I decided to paint and put up some board and batten in our kids bathroom. I cut out the wood, nailed it, painted the whole room and now I just need to paint the cabinets because they're looking really dingy. But for now, it looks good! Here is the before----
One of my students parents made me a scrapbook calendar for the whole year with pictures of my family! It's so cute, I love it!
On Thursday night I took Abby into the urgent care because she had been feeling really sick all week with stomach pains. The urgent care thought it was her appendix so I took her to the E.R. The E.R. took a urine sample and an X-Ray, she was so brave doing both! The X-Ray showed a bunch of black spots over the area where she said it was hurting. I googled as I waited and it said that black spots usually mean gas or constipation and that's exactly what the dr came and told us several hours later. We left the hospital around 10:20 and got home and put to bed around 11. It was a late night for her, so I stayed home on Friday and we tried to get her feeling better. Today she finally turned the corner and started acting more herself. I've missed my happy baby. Here she is being so good in the E.R. she does not like drs offices at all, so this was really hard for her but she was so brave!
Ricks parents started their mission last week in the Provo MTC, they loved that the lights were still up for Christmas. They're now making their way over to Ohio, we are excited to hear all about their adventures.
Rick, Jacob and Rusty went for a hike yesterday, they said that all the hikers just loved Rusty. He's definitely a people loving dog! He loves everyone and everyone loves him. He was so good on the hike they said....
Ashlyn and Maddie trying on their winter guard dresses!
Rusty so happy being out on the trail....
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