This weekend was Homecoming and Ashlyn had a full load, first was the homecoming parade, then the homecoming game and then they had a band competition on Homecoming day, so she didn't get to go to the dance. Unfortunately as soon as they had all of their makeup and outfits ready, the band competition was cancelled due to the rain. Stinks! She later found out that she's allergic to the lipstick, poor girl. 

Homecoming parade, Ashlyn was in the colorguard and Jacob was marching with the JROTC.
Jacob got to hold the banner because he's a Sargent's assistant, one of 3 out of the hundred or so kids...he got a promotion this week!
Ashlyn coming home early because the band competition was cancelled, this was the break in the storm...
Ashlyn did her own makeup!
It was a good week of getting back into the swing of work and school, the kids are busy with all of their activities, Abby is doing gymnastics 4x/week with 2 different teachers and she's mastered a back handspring! She's learning so much!
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