We had a great winter break, I'm sad that it's coming to a close. It was so great to sleep in, read tons of books, visit parks, watch movies, play games, and spend lots of time together. I'll miss it! The kids had fun playing with friends and playing all day.. On New Years Eve we invited the Weidmans over to do some fireworks. We time it just right in between the showers of rain that we received, which was awesome. I love doing fireworks on NWE, it's so much cooler. 
We had a great Christmas, everyone was happy with what they got and we had a yummy dinner. I got a new dough whisk, it's awesome!
I got a wreath from Costco and put in on the inside of the door so that I can smell it. So yummy!
Jacob made a yummy salad one night...
We spent lots of time at parks..
Jacobs scared of heights, so this was a challenge for him but he kept going up to see if he could do it. Brave boy!
I made some yummy sugar cookies, and I used cream cheese frosting. Jacob refused to eat them unless I made some homemade frosting, apparently nothing else compares....
Christmas morning, we got an electric bike like G and G Hahn, Jacob was out of this world happy....
Painting some crafts that I got them for Christmas...
Abby got some new kinetic sand and a nail stamper set...
She got this little mouse in her stocking, but she didn't find it until later in the day. She came running up to me and said, mom look what I found in my stocking!! It was so cute!!
Kyler was wishing he was outside playing with the kids everyday...
Ashlyn got some cute new clothes...
And a new trampoline, she loves to jump in her room. She's so funny!
Abby got some new dolls to play with...
She also got some terrariums...
Abby's turtle...
Ashlyn's turtle....
Rick got some new clothes and he's showing off Jacob's new arrows...
This was Rick on Christmas morning....
Oakland Temple ornament...
Abby made this cute snowglobe at school...
We got Clue and had to play it...
We also got an Echo Show, now we can see who is at the door. It also flips through our pictures, we love it!
We did our annual train ride at McCormick Stillman railroad park...Abby and her silly faces..
I think Kim showed me this picture, of Ashlyn's baptism a few years ago...
Our orange tree is overflowing with fruit! I love going out and picking oranges to juice every morning! It's my favorite part of winter time!
Jacob got a new archery target!
Ashlyn got to go to a multi stake dance on NYE, she had lots of fun...
It was a great break and we know that this year is going to be a big one! I start student teaching on the 10th and I'll be interviewing for jobs in a few months and hopefully starting a new teacher job in July. Ashlyn will hopefully get her license this year and that will be awesome too. It's going to be a big year of scary things, but it will be a huge year of growth too!
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