Sunday, August 19, 2018

Week in Review...August 19, 2018

Last Sunday Mathias gave a talk in Church about all of the support that he receives from his family. He did a great job!
Abby is doing so much better at Kindergarten! She is participating in P.E. now and making friends. Today at church I had 4 people come up to me and tell me that Abby had given them a hug or talked about Kindergarten with them. This has never happened before, she usually just bows her head when someone talks to her, or smiles at them. She has never willingly went up to anyone and hugged them! She even participated in Primary, raised her hand to answer a question. She has grown so much this last week, all from starting Kindergarten. What a blessing! Prayers are truly answered! Here she is swinging with her friend Samantha before school started...

I didn't have a sub job on Thursday and Rick had worked last Saturday so he took Thursday off too. We went kayaking at the lake, it was fun! We did see a dead dear floating in the water and after we got home we saw on the news that another kayaker had found a dead body in the water!!! I'm so glad that we just saw the dear! Crazy!! We had a great time spending the day together, it was nice to be able to have that one on one time.
You can't see it, but on this rock mountain was a Bald Eagle!! It was so cool to see it!
We stopped at this little beach and swam for a bit, I wanted to be far away from the dead dear....little did we know there was a dead body just around the corner from this!!!
Abby with her table at Kindergarten, still doesn't like pictures but that's ok!

I got quite the workout rowing!

Our watermelon plant is taking over our lemon tree...which we think died, so now it's a trellis.

1 comment:

  1. Kayaking looks so fun! I'm so glad you got to get away with just Rick! And I'm so glad Abby is doing better at school! That is such a relief I'm sure!
