Abby can sometimes be a daddy's girl. It's so cute when she is...
We had Mom over last Sunday for dinner with Carrie, Zach, Austin, Ethan and baby Lilly. All of the kids wanted to hold her, shes so sweet!!

First day of school! Abby's in Kindergarten with Mrs. Pena, Jacob is in 5th grade with Mrs. Pickrel, Ashlyn started middle school 7th grade at Fremont and Haley is a Junior at Red Mountain and I'm a librarian and an aide:) Kindergarten drop off was really hard. We were both in tears, and almost made the aide cry. Abby does not like being away from me, and she had a really hard time leaving me. We pretty much just had to separate at the door in order for her to go into the school. Luckily the aide was very helpful and helped. She had a good day and was smiling when I picked her up. The next day was worse, but the third day was better. Hopefully it will be ok tomorrow and not be bad again. Fingers crossed. She didn't participate in PE, so we will have to work on being excited about participating. Ashlyn got to school all on her own, riding her bike to a new school! She did great! Haley got picked up by a boy in our ward, so that was nice! Jacob and Abby before school on the first day!

Abby's very anxious face...
She refused to look at the camera before school started, I could tell it was going to be tough...
This face just makes me cry, she was so nervous!
After school smiles!!
Her aide sent me this pic on her first day...
Ashlyn's first day went great! She loves being in middle school and has great friends!
Haley is doing great in High School. She has seminary first hour this year, so that's a great start to her day...
Abby was much happier after school was done...
Second day, a little less nervous...
Even played on the playground!
Ricks mom came to help Rob as he's going through a really tough divorce....we went out to Red Robin to see her....

We've had some crazy monsoon storms pass through, wreaking havoc on our backyard....
So I got to work on Saturday trying to move the water away from the house, Rick had to work on Saturday. The mud was oddly soothing and I actually enjoyed it!
Water balloon fight from last week, the kids went kayaking in the retention basin on Saturday there was so much water!!
Here's hoping we have a better week at school!