My parents have been serving in the Portland, OR temple with my nephew Trevor for the last couple of months. This was their last day serving together, as Trevor has moved to Provo to start school. 

My mother-in-law made lemon meringue pies for Rick's birthday this last week...
They also went out to Red Robin for his birthday dinner, I was at home resting because I have bronchitis.
Ashlyn went to her friends birthday party and they took pics together...
Ashlyn got asked to Prom by a young man who used to be in our ward before it split! He gave her these flowers and told her to give him a pink flower for yes or a yellow flower for no...
I took a couple of sick days this last week and Abby put this sign on my door one of the days, it says "Mis Johnson is not at school kids." So cute! A couple of teachers said that they saw it and it made their day.
Ricks parents came back to Arizona to pick up their car that was getting worked on, and helped Rick celebrate his birthday. I was glad that they came in, because all I wanted to do was sleep.
My niece Anna got engaged to Hunter, they're so cute! Planning on getting married on August 9th!
I'm hoping this week I'll be feeling better, we shall see. Abby and I are going to the Grand Canyon with all of the 4th graders on Friday, so hopefully we will have fun...
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