Sunday, July 16, 2023

Week in Review....

We went to the lake this week and it was so fun! It was really hot though, so we spent most of the time in the water...

I got a new picture of Christ and I love it!
Jacob drew this picture of Grandpa Johnson leading the choir in Kirtland, Ohio...
Abby took a sewing class from our neighbor and sewed a notebook holder, it's so cute....she did a great job!

It's been pretty hot here, so we have been doing lots of swimming. 

I taught Sunday school today about the Holy Ghost and how we can figure out how we hear the HG. We talked about how distracting the world is and how if we don't slow down enough, we may never hear the Holy Ghost. Satan is taking our thoughts and keeping us so busy that we have a hard time just being quiet and listening. We did an experiment where I gave them an orange and asked the kids to pretend like they had never seen an orange before, to examine it, smell it, touch it and peel it and taste it. The only rule was that they couldn't talk. They literally couldn't stop talking for even 2 seconds. This was a powerful example of how we have to be constantly doing something, we can't even take the time to touch and smell an orange. Or it's an example of me having no control over my class:) haha! Either way, these kids literally couldn't be still and be quiet enough to just be in the moment. I explained to them that unless they figure out how to be still and quiet for a few minutes each day, the Holy Ghost has a hard time getting through to us. In order for the holy ghost to be able to speak to us, we need to study the scriptures, pray and listen. I asked them that if they hear or feel the Holy Ghost, to record it down and the more acquainted they become with how they feel the Holy Ghost, the more they will recognize it. I really hope they got something out of the lesson, that's what I say after every lesson, hehe. 


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