Sunday, July 30, 2023

Week in Review...

My sister Kelli sent this to me, I used to write poetry... 

Aw, the memories!!

Ashlyn and I wanted to see the new Haunted Mansion, and at the last minute we let Abby tag along, big mistake! It was a horror movie! It was hilarious, but the ghosts looked liked zombies, thankfully no nightmares yet for Abby. She says shes fine, but we will see. 
Ashlyn has been at band camp for the last 2 weeks, so she had a performance on Friday that was really cool. 

Abby has been wanting to go on the blob for weeks, but was too scared. She finally got up the nerve to try it and she loved it!

Getting some last minute swimming in with friends...

I got to go to the temple on Tuesday and it was so awesome. Our RS invited us to go an endowment session and 3 women came, the best part was sitting in the celestial room and enjoying the peace and calm that only the temple can provide...

Jacob took these pictures, they're so good!

I made a fruit pizza for dessert and forgot to take a pic until it was almost all gone...

I started work on Friday and the next couple of days will be long days at work because we work all day and then have to stay late for meet the teacher. It's going to be crazy. Abby is really sick right now, fever, runny nose, headache, cough. I'm really hoping that she's better before school starts on Thursday. I feel so bad that I can't be home with her the next few days, hopefully Jacob and Ashlyn will take good care of her. 

Sunday, July 23, 2023

Week in Review

Yesterday I was supposed to go to a painting event with some friends and Ashlyn, but Rick had an asthma attack right before I was leaving, so I sent Jacob in my place. I had a cute sign i was going to do for my classroom, but I guess they didn't get that memo, so Jacob made a cute monster for halloween. He had fun....
Ashlyn made this cute box...
We got to watch our neighbors puppies this week...

Ashlyn's pretty nails...

It was Abby's 10th birthday on Tuesday and she invited some friends to go swimming with her and Ashlyn skipped out on band camp to come with us...she had a great day!

Then our sweet neighbors came over to sing to her and give her a cute necklace, sweetest neighbors!

This little sweetheart blew out her candles before we even finished singing, it was hilarious! She wanted a chocolate, chocolate chip bundt cake which is our ultimate favorite cake around here!

She got spoiled with lots of fun gifts and phone calls, we are so grateful to have Abby in our lives. She makes everything fun and funny. She's also teaching us lots of things, she was super anxious about giving a talk in primary today but after doing some talking we decided that she could do it with the help of a friend. She had a good friend come up with her and stand with her, and she was able to give her talk. So proud of her!
Girls camp was super scaled back this year because of FSY which Ashlyn was super bummed about because it's her last year, but she still had fun! They did the flow rider for 2 hours on Friday night, then stayed up until midnight playing games. Then they went home and met up at the temple on Saturday for baptisms and then had breakfast. That was it, but she loved it and we are grateful for great young women leaders!

My neighbor shared this picture she took of a birthday party Emilie had 6 years ago, they've all grown up so much!

Here's the group that went painting, Ashlyns friends are so sweet to let Jacob crash the party. Rick is feeling better after taking lots of asthma treatments yesterday and is starting to feel better. He is getting allergy shots and they just double the dose this week, so we aren't sure if it was a reaction to that or because of our bad air quality right now. Hopefully this week will be better for him...
I had the priviledge to teach the lesson in RS today and it literally made me sick to my stomach. I had to run to the bathroom before I taught, but of course it went really well and I only had to give one part of my lesson because the sisters shared so many experiences and it was very uplifting. Loved it! I just don't want to do it again, haha.