This is Abby's book that she wrote for Haley, it's so cute!
The kids had an awesome youth conference over the weekend. They played lot of fun games and learned a lot too, it ends with a fireside tonight.
We have to get a new garage door because ours is cracking and breaking, plus our garage cupboards fell and hit the garage door so that made it crack even more. With COVID garage doors are 4-6 weeks out, so we will wait patiently...
Abby always comes up with these elaborate ways to sleep at night, but when it comes to sleeping at night she always ends up in her own bed!:)
The kids even got to see a mock Deloreon....
Rick started his new job this week, he had training and is learning alot. Here he is in his new office...
We had a great first week of summer, the kids swam at Carrie's old apartment pool a few times and I've been studying and do summer school. I also got my 2nd vaccine shot and that knocked me out for all of Thursday, I felt like I had been hit by a cement truck. Fever, headache, throat aches, body aches, if it could ache it did! ha! So glad to have that done! The kids start swim team next week along with summer school and dive team for Jacob. He will be busy!