It's been a busy few weeks! Easter and Haley's wedding!
Haley's dress was beautiful!
Haley made easter bunny pancakes!
Getting ready to go get married...
Lots of emotions felt this week!
Best cousin Anna:)
Dinner with our family after the sealing...
Easter egg hunt...
Ashlyn with Maddie and Emilie...
Abby and Nova...
Trying to squeeze in as much time as we can with the Pauls before they move to Boise...
Picked up my parents rental car, which also happens to be our dream truck...
Celebrating Ethans birthday the night before the wedding....
We are so thankful for all of the family that came to support Haley!
Alyssa came over to do Haleys sweet!
Sarah did her hair, it was so beautiful!
And they're married...Haley went through for her endowments before she was sealed. It was a beautiful session! The Phoenix Arizona temple was beautiful, they were sealed at the 2:00 p.m. slot and it was hot outside, around 93 degrees. Everyone survived and looked beautiful.
Before heading into the endowment session...when we got into the temple we realized that we had forgotten the marriage license! Luckily Carrie was coming just for the sealing and was able to grab it and bring it to the temple. She saved the day!
Rick and his parents and Ashlyn and jacob were able to go kayaking in the morning and then went over to robs for dinner. Abby and I spent the day with my parents and the pauls and sarah swimming at their rental...
It was a beautiful day! We are so grateful for all of the love and support that we received. Diane Chapman, Leah Brown and Krista Griffiths all helped in the kitchen and Angie Lee, Lauren Black and Lacey Gove all helped with providing food. Kim brought all of her wedding decor and decorated the cultural hall with me and Carrie and Ricks parents. Carrie helped me plan all of the details along with Kim and Carrie did all of the flowers and logs for the centerpieces along with pinecones. Everything was so beautiful! My mom brought all of the purple tablecloths and made the macaroni salad. It was a wonderful meal with all of our family. I couldn't have asked for a more beautiful day!
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