Going for a walk last Sunday and Abby wanted to ride her new bike...
She really wanted pink shoes! This is her happy smile, haha! She got a new birthday outfit to go with the shoes for Kindergarten...
Princess cake for my baby girl...
Ashlyn made her a crown..
Ashlyn also gave her this little guitar, she was great with the gifts this year...
Then we topped off the night by going swimming with Carrie's family...she had a great day! Thanks for all of the presents, calls and texts...
On Friday we headed up to Payson for some cooler weather, we hit up our favorite park and Jacob was excited to try out the skate park. It was a little scarier than he had thought it would be...
Ashlyn volleyball team won the championship! #1 great job Ashlyn
They also finished their swim team season, Ashlyn and Jacob swam great! Haley even went a few times, haha!
Abby got this microphone from her friend Lexi and she loves to sing on it...
Love my baby girl!
Haley and Ashlyn got to go on the Young Men/Young Women boating trip on Saturday. They had a blast and came home sun burned and sore. Haley even got up on the wake board!
Congratulations on your new job! You will do awesome. Happy birthday to Abby girl.