We went swimming at Fremont this week, our favorite pool down the street...
Ashlyn, Emilie and Maddie...
Ashlyn going off the high dive...
We went to Cold Stone one night...
We got this big hippo at Costco to play with in the water, the kids love it!
Our favorite twins down the street got baptized yesterday, I used to watch them when they were 3 months old. They're so cute!! Jacob and Caleb Weidman
They had a very nice luncheon after, this is Ashlyn's good friend Emma and her mom Kyoko, who is Ashlyn's volleyball coach.Rick and I at the luncheon...
Tyson, Kai and Jacob being cookie monsters!
Happy Fathers Day to my sweet father! This guy will do anything for someone in need! If he hears of a need, he finds a way to fill that need. I just love him so much! He really is the best dad out there!
Happy Fathers Day to my sweet husband! He is such a good daddy, and husband to me! We have been so blessed by him and his hard working, fun personality. Love you Rick!
Happy Father's Day to my father in law, he's a pretty goofy guy! We love him!
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