Sunday, February 4, 2018

Week in Review...

Last week my nephew Ethan gave his first talk in Primary! It was adorable!! He insisted on holding the microphone, too funny!
We like to have the Paul's over for dinner on Sunday, this was the first Sunday that Austin got his own seat at the table! yay! Carrie announced that she's expecting a baby due in early August/Late July. We are so excited to help their family on this journey...Don't mind the Coca Cola on the table, I bought it to kill fruit flies on our orange tree and didn't use it all up. That stuff is toxic!!
Ethan and Abby pushing the baby stroller around the block for our after dinner walk...
Abby was wearing her baby in her shirt, must be trying to model Carrie with a baby in her belly. Too funny!
I signed up Ash, Jacob and me for our annual 5k in the spring so we did our first training run of 1 mile this week, the kids loved it! I even pushed Abby in the stroller, and that was tough!
We did it!

We had a playdate after preschool on Tuesday and invited all of the girls in her preschool class to come and play. They had a fun time taking all of the toys into the backyard and jumping on the trampoline...

I love finding matching shirts for Ash and Abby, these were on clearance at Target for $1.80!
Our van wasn't doing good-so we decided to bite the bullet and buy a new van! We are so happy with it, it's a 2011 Toyota Sienna with 60k miles, rearview camera, bluetooth and seats 8 like our Honda did. Now we feel safe and happy while we drive:) Thanks for all of the family support we received while going through our van trial!

Ethan jumping on the trampoline..
 Rick saw this hot air balloon in downtown Mesa...
 Rick took Abby to the park on Saturday and they played a little bball-Abby actually made a couple of baskets!! Rick was very impressed!

Abby loves to climb...

Ashlyn played 2 volleyball games on Saturday and they won 1 and lost 1, but the 1 that they won they were down 10 to 24 and the other team only needed 1 point to win. They went from 10 pts to 25 pts without letting the other team get a single pt! That's a good win!

1 comment:

  1. Yea you got a van! And it's the same exact van as us! but with a lot less miles! Good for you guys! Enjoy!!
