This week started out differently than any other week that I've ever had, and I hope to never experience another week like this again in my life. On Sunday night I was talking to my parents on the phone and my nephew Mathias had been throwing up since Saturday morning. The last update that we had from my brother Randy, was that he had stopped throwing up. When I was on the phone with them they got a text from Randy saying that Mathias had relapsed ad he was taking him to Urgent Care. Then about an hour later, we got an update that Urgent Care had wanted to send them home, he wasn't dehydrated and they thought he was fine. This kind of threw us for a loop, how could he not be dehydrated? We were all very happy that Randy then decided to take Mathias to the E.R. that was the last that I heard until I woke up to run at 5 a.m. Monday morning. I woke up to a text from my mom saying that they had found a massive tumor in Mathias' brain and that they were ambulancing him to Oaklands Childrens Hospital. My heart dropped when I saw those words, and I kept thinking am I dreaming this? Is this really happening? Has their been a mistake? I drove over to my friends house and we set out for our run, I was in a daze. I told her that I just received some really horrible news! I started crying and couldn't stop. My friend told me that her sister had had a brain tumor as well, so she was able to empathize with me. She was just who I needed to talk to that morning. As they day wore on, we got more updates and Mathias started showing symptoms of having a brain aneurysm. So he was rushed into surgery. What was supposed to be a 2-4 hour surgery to remove the tumor, turned into a 9 1/2 hr surgery. The surgeon told my brother Randy that if he had taken Mathias home and not to the E.R. that Mathias would have ended up either blind, paralyzed or dead. I've never been more grateful for the Holy Ghost guiding my brother than I was in that moment. I've never prayed more, cried more and had more heartache than I have this last week. They were able to get the majority of the tumor but there is still a small part that they couldn't see, it's by a major blood vessel. There's also a blood clot at the back of his head that they're watching. Currently Mathias doesn't have any sight in his right eye, or movement in his right arm. We are fasting today as a family for him. I also have many friends that are fasting and praying for him that have never even met Mathias. They have all been touched by his story. We are praying for miracles! Thumbs up for Mathias!

This week Abby made a little witch in preschool...
We also went to go and see My Little Pony in the theaters with her preschool friends...
We also had our ward Halloween Carnival on Saturday night, Jacob was a skeleton, Ashlyn an Egyptian and Abby was a monster:)
Here is our Activity Days booth, Toilet Paper Toss. Ashlyn is at the back of the booth retrieving the tossed in toilet paper rolls...
Abby actually had fun at this carnival because Haley took her around to the different booths with her best friend Lexi...
Haley was a big help!
They loved the bubble machine and smoke machine..
Some of my activity day girls with Ashlyn...
Cute pic of Mathias. I hope to have a great update on Mathias for next week!
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