This has been a tough week for Abby. She had a dentist appointment on Thursday and screamed her little head off and we have gotten to the point where she has to have her cavities filled, so we had to set up a sedation appointment for her for this Thursday. $1000 Christmas present for her:) We have also been working on her acid reflux, she throws up every morning as soon as wakes up unless she has milk. Luckily prevacid is a miracle drug and working really well. On Thursday night I had to go to a Homeowners Association board meeting and she was crying so hard, Momma don't leave me!! I was literally in tears as I left her. She is extremely attached to me, we still haven't been able to leave her at nursery. Ugh!! Anyway, Rick said that it took about 10 minutes for her to stop yelling at him and then she slowly came and got closer and closer to Rick and then he texted me this picture and it melted my heart....

Ashlyn has been drawing these cute little elves everyday, she's such a cute little artist.
Ashlyn had her winter orchestra concert and Haley had to come and say hi to her favorite orchestra teacher, Mr. Levin....
We got a cute package from my sister Kim, they got these cute headbands and cute clothes and crafts! Thanks Kim!!
Haley had an orchestra concert the same night as my HOA meeting, so I didn't get to go and Rick had to take Jacob to a pack meeting, it was a busy night! Abby saw that Haley was getting dressed up, so she had to be a pretty princess too!
Since Rick is now working Sunday-Thursday he gets Fridays off to spend with me and Abby and sometimes the baby that I watch. We took her to a park to play. Last Sunday was his first Sunday working and he was able to have the sacrament at his work, a local ward brings in the sacrament to the residents so that was nice. He also played some LDS hymns at their grand piano because it's a really slow work day, and he doesn't feel right making calls out on a Sunday.
Last night was our wards Christmas party, we did a service project before we ate dinner. We put together blessing bags to hand out to the homeless when we see them...
We presented our gifts (blessing bags) to the savior....
Haley got to be a shepherd...
Santa and Mrs. Claus also went and knelt by the baby Jesus...
Waiting in line to see Santa, Ashlyn with her best friend Emilie...
Abby's friend Holly and her parents and their new baby as baby Jesus...
Abby was terrified of Santa, but she's like that with everyone so it wasn't a surprise...
Merry Christmas!
My sister Carrie had a little baby on Thursday and she had a really hard labor and then emergency c-section because the cord was wrapped around his neck and he couldn't move down. When he was born his lung collapsed, so he's been in the NICU. We are praying that he will be released soon so that he can go home with Carrie, or shortly thereafter. He's adorable, Austin Hunter Paul. Welcome to the family!!
I love that idea of making blessing bags for the homeless! :)