Sunday, June 28, 2015

Week in Review...

Rick has been having a lot of abdominal pain the last couple of weeks so he went to the Mayo Clinic on Wednesday to get an upper GI done. We thought it would be a quick procedure, so I brought Abby along thinking that we would be home before nap time. Boy were we wrong! We got there and immediately the nurse said that he should plan on spending 2-2 1/2 hrs there and asked if we were staying in the building. I laughed and said that we would probably find something to go and do, and they suggested a splash pad. The nurses were so cute, they gave us 2 hospital towels to take with us, and 2 water bottles and directions to the splash pad. Luckily I had a spare set of clothing in the car!

She loved it!! Rick actually ended up being there for 3 hours:(. Hopefully what they found will be enough to help him out. He went to the E.R. on Friday because the pain got worse, but they couldn't find anything and sent him home after a few hours. Hoping we get answers soon.

On Saturday we decided to get out of the house and go to Bass Pro Shops, the kids always love it there.

While we were at Bass Pro, Haley was at a birthday party where they had a cupcake wars competition. These are Haleys cupcakes that she made. Pretty cute!


  1. Praying that you have answers for Rick soon!

  2. Oh no poor Rick! I hope they can get things figured out!
