It's been quite the eventful week and it's only Thursday! On Sunday, Rick took Abby on a little wagon ride, she loved it!
On Monday night the kids were getting ice cream for a treat and were putting the ice cream away in the freezer when the pancake griddle fell off of the top of the fridge and hit Jacob in the head and Ashlyn on the shoulder. It freaked them both out and I rushed Jacob to Urgent Care where he was a brave little boy and got a staple put in his head! Ouch! Little guy was worried about going to school the next day with his big bandage on his head, but he did great. It also happened to be picture day!
All ready for picture day!
Abby is obsessed with cars, so I got her this adorable hot pink car! She loves it!

On Tuesday I took Abby to her first appointment with a feeding therapist. I was supposed to bring her hungry and bring food for her to try and eat. Well she fell asleep in the car on the way over, so we had to wake her up in the office. She wasn't very happy about that and of course she's super shy around everyone so she didn't want to eat. She did manage to dip in a toy that they gave her into some pudding that I brought and so they saw how her tongue automatically pushes everything out. She said that from her observations that her tongue hasn't learned how to move from side to side yet, only front to back so when she eats and when we put food into her mouth, her tongue pushes it forward. She suggested that we put a cheerio in her cheek so that her tongue has to go and get it. I tried it and it still came straight out. She's also referring us to Arizona Early Intervention where some people will come out and observe her and hopefully be able to help do therapy inside our home where she will be more comfortable. The therapist said that it usually takes a few months and then they are good to go, so we will see! For now, we are still in the same phase, still nursing every 2 hours and trying to feed her food that just comes straight back out. Frustrating! I do see a light at the end of the tunnel though, so that keeps me going! Update: The AZ early intervention people are coming on Wednesday right after school, so we'll see how that goes!
Friday was pirate day, so Abby and I dressed up! ha!
I also made another little craft, these banners are seriously so easy!! Just cut some burlap into the banner shape, stencil on your letter and thread some twine through it! Love it!
After school we headed over to Krispy Kreme's and waited in line for an hour to get a free dozen for each kid, so we got two dozen donuts just for dressing up like pirates! Abby and I didn't dress up, we didn't have enough pirate stuff. Of course I found a bunch more pirate stuff when we got home, oh well. The kids had fun!
Jacob got some hand me downs from a boy in our ward and he was so excited to wear his first suit!