Sunday, June 15, 2014

Week in Review...

Haley sang in church last week with two other girls and they did a beautiful job! They sang the new YM/YW song, Come unto Christ. My friend curled her hair while they were practicing, so pretty!
I went into have an ultrasound on my abdominal area because I've been having some pain down there and I brought along baby because I wasn't sure how long it would take. Not the best idea! She screamed for an hour! A sweet nurse came in and took her out of the room at about the half hour mark and tried rocking her, swaying with her, and nothing would calm her down! She wanted her momma! Finally she started singing, I am a child of God to her and she calmed down!! I was in tears when the nurse told me, so sweet!! Then she was exhausted and fell asleep on the way home. AND it was all for nothing, because the ultrasound came back clear! Oh well:)
She is such a daddy's girl! She will push me away when he tries to give her back to me!!:( Sad for me!!

Ashlyn and Jacobs first swim meet!! They both did great! Jacob came in first for his relay!

Happy Fathers Day Ricky!! We love you so much and appreciate all that you do for us!! I'm also thankful for my father and the great example that he is to me of a loving husband, father and grandfather! We love Ricks dad too, he is so much fun!

1 comment:

  1. Haley's hair looks so pretty all curled! I'm glad your ultrasound came back negative and that they didn't find anything! That's scary! I hope your pain goes away.
