Rick had a great Fathers Day! I made him a great breakfast and he got lots of love from the kids!
Our good friends and neighbors moved away and they came back to visit one last time. We will miss having them around to play with!
Ashlyn and Abby, little twinners!
Abby decided to keep getting older and turned 11 months old! She is a busy little bee, getting into lots of trouble. She's pretty small and tall. 75% for height and 2% for weight. She doesn't like to eat, only nurse. We are working on that!
My dad gave us his car! We feel so blessed!! Ricks car is on it's last legs and we have bought 6 cars in the last 4 years, so this was a huge weight off of our shoulders! We're hoping not to have to buy a car in a LONG time!!
Ricks mom drove the car down to us and spent a few days, we ate out at Red Robin with Rob and his family.
Jacob and Ash at their second swim meet. Jacob got 1st place for the backstroke!!
Ashlyn took a cupcake making class and her little cupcakes turned out so cute!
We discovered that Abby likes patty-cake!
Monday, June 30, 2014
Sunday, June 15, 2014
Week in Review...
Haley sang in church last week with two other girls and they did a beautiful job! They sang the new YM/YW song, Come unto Christ. My friend curled her hair while they were practicing, so pretty!
I went into have an ultrasound on my abdominal area because I've been having some pain down there and I brought along baby because I wasn't sure how long it would take. Not the best idea! She screamed for an hour! A sweet nurse came in and took her out of the room at about the half hour mark and tried rocking her, swaying with her, and nothing would calm her down! She wanted her momma! Finally she started singing, I am a child of God to her and she calmed down!! I was in tears when the nurse told me, so sweet!! Then she was exhausted and fell asleep on the way home. AND it was all for nothing, because the ultrasound came back clear! Oh well:)
She is such a daddy's girl! She will push me away when he tries to give her back to me!!:( Sad for me!!
Ashlyn and Jacobs first swim meet!! They both did great! Jacob came in first for his relay!
Happy Fathers Day Ricky!! We love you so much and appreciate all that you do for us!! I'm also thankful for my father and the great example that he is to me of a loving husband, father and grandfather! We love Ricks dad too, he is so much fun!
I went into have an ultrasound on my abdominal area because I've been having some pain down there and I brought along baby because I wasn't sure how long it would take. Not the best idea! She screamed for an hour! A sweet nurse came in and took her out of the room at about the half hour mark and tried rocking her, swaying with her, and nothing would calm her down! She wanted her momma! Finally she started singing, I am a child of God to her and she calmed down!! I was in tears when the nurse told me, so sweet!! Then she was exhausted and fell asleep on the way home. AND it was all for nothing, because the ultrasound came back clear! Oh well:)
She is such a daddy's girl! She will push me away when he tries to give her back to me!!:( Sad for me!!
Ashlyn and Jacobs first swim meet!! They both did great! Jacob came in first for his relay!
Happy Fathers Day Ricky!! We love you so much and appreciate all that you do for us!! I'm also thankful for my father and the great example that he is to me of a loving husband, father and grandfather! We love Ricks dad too, he is so much fun!
Sunday, June 8, 2014
Week in Review...
It was another busy week in the Johnson household. At the last minute I decided to sign up Ashlyn and Jacob for swim team. It's four days a week with a meet each week. It will be busy, but it will keep them busy. Abby discovered herself in the mirror!
I told Ashlyn that I needed to trim her hair, she is forcing a smile through her tears.
Luckily I didn't cut off too much, so she wasn't all that mad at me afterwards.
Abby loved watching Jacob playing outside.
Haley had her very first piano recital yesterday! She's been taking lessons for 4 1/2 years now and loves it! She did both of her pieces by memorizing them and her second piece she actually taught herself just by listening to it!! Amazing!
Here she is with her teacher and other piano students in our ward.

I told Ashlyn that I needed to trim her hair, she is forcing a smile through her tears.
Haley had her very first piano recital yesterday! She's been taking lessons for 4 1/2 years now and loves it! She did both of her pieces by memorizing them and her second piece she actually taught herself just by listening to it!! Amazing!
Grandma Johnson bought Haley an early birthday present, a viola!! She was so excited!
Here's Jacob doing his most favorite summer activity! He spends all of our pool time at the diving tank. He's taught himself how to do a dive, a flip and a twist-flip! He loves it, next year we'll have to do swim team and dive team!
Sunday, June 1, 2014
Pretty Dress...
Ricks parents bought this dress for Ashlyn in Puerto Vallarta about 7 years ago and it was too small, luckily we had another baby girl that gets to wear it now:)
I forgot to mention that Haley went to girls camp, her first year! She had a blast at Camp Lo Mia, learning all of the fun camp songs, going on a snipe hunt, doing chores, going on hikes, staying up late, getting up early, bearing her testimony at Bishops night and having a great time! We are so glad that she was able to go and grow so much!
I forgot to mention that Haley went to girls camp, her first year! She had a blast at Camp Lo Mia, learning all of the fun camp songs, going on a snipe hunt, doing chores, going on hikes, staying up late, getting up early, bearing her testimony at Bishops night and having a great time! We are so glad that she was able to go and grow so much!
Week in Review...
We hung up our flag on Memorial Day and Jacob was so excited that he ran out and took this picture. I think it is gorgeous.
Our orange tree is bearing fruit for the first time!! Yea!! Such an exciting time!
Now that Abby is mobile she is finding new places to play and loving it! She has been sick all week though, poor girl!
Look at that sad, sick face!
Our first week of summer was spent at the pool and on Thursday it was cool enough that we spent the morning down at the park. The kids built little sand castles all around the sidewalk and Abby crawled over to check them out. This totally freaks me out, I hate having my babies get their hands dirty, but I decided to let my OCD go and let her play. She thought it was very interesting...
The kids loved being able to play at the park, usually it's too hot in the summer to play outside much, so they milked it! They hooked up a hose to our neighbors house and made lots of good mud for building...everyone had a blast!
Summer hasn't begun until we've played Just Dance!
Jacob wanted a pic of his Tiger Shark poster that he made before I threw it out. The kids get so mad at me when I throw stuff away, but at least we take pics of them before right?
Our orange tree is bearing fruit for the first time!! Yea!! Such an exciting time!
Now that Abby is mobile she is finding new places to play and loving it! She has been sick all week though, poor girl!
Look at that sad, sick face!
Our first week of summer was spent at the pool and on Thursday it was cool enough that we spent the morning down at the park. The kids built little sand castles all around the sidewalk and Abby crawled over to check them out. This totally freaks me out, I hate having my babies get their hands dirty, but I decided to let my OCD go and let her play. She thought it was very interesting...
The kids loved being able to play at the park, usually it's too hot in the summer to play outside much, so they milked it! They hooked up a hose to our neighbors house and made lots of good mud for building...everyone had a blast!
Summer hasn't begun until we've played Just Dance!
Jacob wanted a pic of his Tiger Shark poster that he made before I threw it out. The kids get so mad at me when I throw stuff away, but at least we take pics of them before right?
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