Monday, May 26, 2014

Week in Review..

It was a very busy week here in the Johnson Household! Abby turned 10 months! She also decided to start waving, start clapping, start scooting, start crawling, start saying, "a!" for everything and go from a crawling position to a sitting position and vice versa and started pulling herself up on objects! Huge week!We were starting to get worried that she would never crawl and then she did it, yay!

It was also the last week of school! This also meant that Haley had her promotion ceremony and is officially out of Elementary school! Wahoo! She is totally excited and I am totally scared! haha!

Here's pics of Abby as she's waving and clapping!

Jacob had a year end program all about the ocean. It was very cute!

The last day of school also meant report cards! They all got straight A's! This success required a trip to Krispy Kremes to get their free donuts!
All of Jacobs cute ocean projects.
Ashlyn made a cool castle complete with a flower on top on our first day of summer break! It was awesome to beable to play outside, only low 90's!!


  1. Yea Summer is here! It's our last week of school this week for us!

  2. We still have two more weeks! You guys are so lucky! Have a great summer and can't wait to see you in a month.
