Abby turned 6 months yesterday! It really does make time fly faster when you have a baby in the house! It seems like time won't slow down:(. Abby is the sweetest baby, her giggles just make me so happy. She is constantly moving, either kicking or waving her arms around. She loves to play under her mobile play-mat and reach for the toys above her. She is super fast now at rolling from her back to her belly, but is still working on rolling back to her back. She is such a good baby that I can't believe how good she is and Rick and I are often saying, she's so good! She'll sit on our laps and just play with her links while we're sitting down. The only time that she really gets mad is when I'm picking up the kids and I'm in the pick-up lane and not moving...she hates that! As soon as the kids get in the car though she's little Miss happy again! She loves her siblings and gives them smiles and giggles and coos at them. Her cheeks have turned pink within the last week and I wonder if it is from me constantly kissing her??!! Nah!!:) ha! She is definitely the light of our lives right now and we couldn't be happier that she is here!

This last week I had a parent-teacher conference with Jacobs teacher. I was so worried!! She surprised me by saying that he tested in the top ten of his class!! Yea!! She said that I definitely made the right decision in having him do kindergarten again and that he is doing really good and is prepared for first grade now. I was so relieved! He has grown so much this year.
Here is Abby showing off her river dancing...
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