They turned out really cute!
On Saturday Abby got to go to the temple to do baptisms for the first time. The young women were going, but they invited Moms to come too. It was a really neat experience and it was so sweet how everyone was so excited for the girls to be there for their first time.
The girls love painting rocks that we find in California, we are getting quite the collection...
Jacob asked a girl to go to the Winter Formal dance with him, but then I guess they found out it's a girl ask guy dance? So on Monday morning, we woke up to this on our front porch. So cute!
We had our linger longer at the park, since there's a ward that meets after us. Abby was climbing like a monkey, per usual...
The last couple of weeks have been a bit stressful as we were told that Mesa Public Schools has to cut $18 million in budget cuts. We were told last Monday that we would be losing a special education contract. There's 4 of us and she said that one of us could move into a general education position since there would be a few openings. 2 of our 4 are not dual certified, so they wouldn't be able to move even if they wanted to. None of us wanted to move, but that left me and my co-worker to decide because we are both dual certified. my co-worked had spent 18 years as a kindergarten aide and she student taught in 3rd grade last year, and there just happened to be a 3rd grade opening. She knew that I didn't want to move, so she made a big sacrifice and chose to take the 3rd grade position. We are so bummed, but I'm also relieved that I don't have to move. I'm also feeling a bit of survivor's guilt because she didn't want to move either but she took one for the team. My heart is with my special ed kids, I can't imagine doing anything else. It stinks that our school district decided to prioritize other positions over special education, but I feel very blessed to still have a job next year.
Jacob went to Winter Formal last night with his friend Sarah. They did a day date to play pickleball and her whole family went too. I told him that he should've invited us too! They also had dinner at her house before they went to the dance. They were having lasagna, and Jacob is so picky that he won't eat ground meat. He was worried about having lasagna, but he said that Sarah didn't like meat either. He said that the lasagna ended up being meatless, he was saved! He said it was pretty good. He said that the dance was fun, he wish they had played better music but he got to jump around a lot. Sarah's brother also went with them, because his date had to back out because of a big orchestra competition they were having. He decided he wanted to go anyway, but I guess he didn't stick around them the whole time. He said it was a fun first date. I'm still waiting on pics....look at my cute boy in his first suit!