Sunday, March 9, 2025

Week in Review...

Abby put this puzzle together and we discovered that it was missing a few pieces. She still had fun putting it together.
Ashlyn went to a Color Guard Show with her best friend Maddie and then Maddie's Mom took pics in preparation for her new photography business. They turned out so cute!

Abby put Rusty's hair up in a little pony tail, haha!

We have had some really beautiful sunsets...

Ashlyn was so excited to find out this week that she got a job for the summer! She'll be working at Jacob's Inn, which is about an hour from the Grand Canyon. She'll be working at an ice cream shop. This family owns the Inn and some shops around the town, and they staff them for the summer with students from the valley. She's excited about this experience and about meeting new people who share her values. I'm hoping it will be a great time for her!


Sunday, March 2, 2025

Week in Review...

Ashlyn curled Abby's hair and it looked so cute!
Abby got to do the fund run for our school on Friday. They played music and ran around an obstacle course, she had fun!

Ashlyn got to tag butterflies as part of something she had to do for school. She loved it! They placed these tiny little stickers on them to track their migration. 

Isn't she cute?! She's doing good in school, her ASL class has a lot of assignments but she seems to be keeping up ok. Jacob is busy working and looking for a truck to buy. He wants to sell his car and buy an old truck. Boys! It's been warm here, we are hoping for a cool down. It's been a very warm winter, more like spring all winter. There are rumors that we might get lots of rain in March and I'm hoping they come true!

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Week in Review...

I got some more camp pics from the other Moms-here's Abby with all of her Red group that shared this cute cabin. 

Having smores the first night...

Right before they did their skit!
Decorating cookies right after science camp...
She had such a fun time!

They had a Red Girls science camp reunion last night. They had so much fun getting together again. Such a great group of girls!
Ashlyn is dog-sitting for friends of her friends today. She loves dog sitting. She's enjoying her classes this semester, especially Pilates. She said it really helps her stretch out her neck, so she's been getting less headaches. 

Jacob was named Air Guard of the Year at his Christmas party and for the month of January. Air Guard is what they call the people who are watching the kids on the trampolines. He has several kids that know him by name and get excited to see him. Some of them are my students, haha. It was a great week!

Sunday, February 16, 2025

2 weeks in Review...

Abby and I got to go to Science Camp this last week and it was so much fun! Abby was with a great group of girls and she had a good time too.

We went on a hike to a cave that Abby crawled through and I walked through some parts of it but wasn't brave enough to do the crawling part. It was freezing but luckily only snow flurries until the last night when it snowed and then rained and turned everything to mud. 

Abby got to play lots of fun games with the principal. That was a fun night...
She also got to learn cool things with the red mountain high school science teachers...

She got to dissect an owl pellet, yuck!
She was in a really cool skit, "the secret lives of teachers lives," it was super cute. Here she is with her roommates and the 5th grade team...
She was in a great cabin!

We got back on Valentine's Day and Ashlyn, Abby, and Jacob went down to the Weidmans to decorate cookies. 

Ashlyn had a Galentines night with her best friend and came home with a rose...

Abby and Harper, so cute!
Abby's 5th grade class with Mrs. Griess....

Ashlyn and her friend Sara had a Galentines Day together...they made cute crafts at the park...

Beautiful view from the hike, we were so blessed with good weather. Normally there's snow on the ground...

Abby's skit prop...

On the last night, they got to hug all of their teachers and throw some sugar on the fire while thinking about their favorite memories of camp. It was really cool!

With all of the high school students...

They got to chip away at some rock, where they found lots of cool fossils of oysters, shells, etc. 

Ashlyn's cute nails...

Haley made sourdough bread! Looks so yummy! She figured out how to make her own starter and has been testing loaves out. This was a good batch she said!

My Mom and Dad have been on a 10-day cruise to the Bahamas! I've been loving the pics they've been sending. They've had a great time!

It's been a great week, but I'm ready to return to teaching my students. I heard that my students were missing me and I definitely missed them. It was a nice break though.