Jacob made home made pizza last night, he did a great job!
Ashlyn loves going to Target with her friend Sara, they're too cute!
Ashlyn loves doing digital art when she's babysitting...
Abby got to go on a hike yesterday with friends, they mined for really cool rocks. She had fun and came home exhausted!
Today Ricks parents gave us a virtual tour of the Kirtland historic sites, they were wonderful tour guides. It's an awesome tour, anyone can sign up. This was the last stop showing a little model of the Kirtland Temple...
In front of the tavern...
Inside the sawmill which is actually a working sawmill..this sawmill was built for the church solely to help build the temple...
Inside the Ashery, which was where all of the money that was profited was given to the church to build the temple.
Inside the back of the N.K. Whitney store where Joseph Smith and Emma lived for 14 months...this was the winter kitchen...
This was upstairs where they slept...
There was an attic where the Whitney family slept...
Visitors Center...it was so cool to learn all of the things that happened in Kirtland, it was a sacred place for the saints at the beginning of the restoration.
Abby was so tired after her hike, she took a shower and went straight to bed...
Jacob got to do service with JROTC to get ready for the Mesa marathon..
The Historic Kirtland Mission President left this last week, so they'll be getting a new mission president...

It's been a crazy week! Monday I woke up feeling super achy, went to work and just wanted to go home all day long. I was feeling miserable. I got home and went straight to the bath, but I couldn't warm up. I put the water on the highest temperature and couldn't warm up. I crawled to bed and piled 10 blankets on top of me and couldn't warm up. Rick said I needed to go to the dr but I didn't feel good enough to get out of bed. I couldn't sleep all night, because I kept waking up sweating but I was still cold and I couldn't swallow. I called in sick and went to the dr and they thought it was the flu but I asked to be tested for strep. Flu came back negative but I was positive for strep, started meds and finally turned the corner on Wednesday afternoon. I went back to work on Thursday. Rick had an exciting week at work where he was presenting to hundreds of people at a convention, he said it was fun. The kids were locked down at the high school on Thursday right before dismissal. A boy came to school with a gun and the resource officer saw him, chased him to the park and arrested him. Ashlyn was really shook up about that because they had to move their bookshelf in front of the door. Then they were finally released and I gave them huge hugs! Then I took Abby to the dentist and she had zero cavities! yay! Friday the kids went into lockdown again because some kid stole 4 golf carts, leading the police on a wild goose chase and then punched a cop. Hopefully next week is very mild and quiet at school! Ashlyn and Rick bore their testimonies in church today. Ashlyn bore her testimony on the atonement, and it was so sweet. I was so proud of her because I know how scared she is to do these things.