Jacob earned these goldfish by swimming, he has a phobia about swimming in a public pool. He's had this phobia for the last 3 years, and we're trying to help him get over it. He stayed in the pool for 15 minutes and earned these goldfish. They were alive for about 4 days, haha!
The kids played jenga while I was at the store. Definitely a different way than I ever played, haha!
Haley, Ashlyn and Jacob were able to go to the temple to perform baptisms on Wednesday. They each took 3 family names.
Last Friday we had dinner over at Rick's brother Rob's girlfriends mothers house. Did you follow that? She lives in a big house in the middle of Phoenix. She converted her pool into a pond and we got to swim in it. I sneezed for about an hour after we swam, but it was fun. There were sharks in the pond!! Ducks, fish and sharks! Jacob was terrified to swim, but he did end up swimming for a few minutes.
Ricks parents were here for a week and we went out one night to eat at Rustler's Rooste, the kids love it because of the slide.
Haley bought an inflatable paddleboard with her own $ and so Rick took the kids to the lake while he kayaked. Abby and I stayed home to clean the church, they all had a great time...
Phoenix house is very old, built in 1920.
They had a real cuckoo clock, we got to watch it in action!
150 year old bird cage, the birds chirp and move by animatronics!
Abby showing off her Manta Ray poster she made in Kindergarten...
Abby loved dressing Grandpa up...
Slide at Rustler's Rooste...
Abby was on the slide the whole night...
Grandma and Grandpa took the kids to Chuck E Cheese, they had a blast...
Rob had to put his dog down and the kids were really sad, so they said goodbye to Jake..

It was a fun week, Rick is still really enjoying his job and we are swimming lots!