Another busy week! Ashlyns friend braided her hair while we were at pack meeting this last week...
Ricks co-worker Steve did a Lifelong Learning event on his Model-T...
A few of his friends in the Model-T Club also brought their Model-T's to show off.
Jacob was awarded his Wolf badge and a few belt loops...
Abby was invited to her first princess birthday party, she was so excited to go!! I was so nervous about her being shy and not participating.
She was really super shy, but she did surprise me by actually doing some things like playing with play doh and she actually ate some chips for lunch and all of her frosting off of her cupcake. Baby steps!
They made these really cute crowns and for about 10 minutes she refused to wear it, because that would draw too much attention. She finally gave in and wanted to wear it, so cute! Her friend sitting right next to her was born a day after her in the same hospital and is really outgoing, so I'm hoping that she will help bring out Abby from her shyness.

On Friday Ashlyn turned 11! I can't believe it! She had a busy day, her class went on a field trip to the Planetarium and then went to the park to eat lunch, so she had a fun time. After school our friends down the street took her and 2 other kids from our street to get shaved ice and go see Pete's Dragon because they all have birthdays within 3 days of each other. When she finally got home, we had her favorite dinner Spaghetti and then had chocolate cake. She opened her presents and was very excited to see that she got exactly what she wanted:) We are so lucky to have Ashlyn in our family, she is such a bright light, such a good big sister and very responsible. We love her!
These high tops are all of the rage apparently with 11 yr olds and she loves jewelry and any kind of arts and crafts...she got spoiled!
I sold our dresser that we were using as an entertainment center because I was playing with the idea of getting a fireplace...but they're really expensive and when we would only use it from November to February, it really isn't cost effective. So I've been roaming the Goodwill hoping to find something and this popped out at me for $10!
It cleaned up super cute!
One of Ashlyn's gifts is this highlighter pad, she loves it!
I was supposed to make this sign at a Relief Society night a few weeks ago, but I had a Homeowners Association meeting to go to, so I just got this sign made. Super cute!